Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sarah McLachlan has ruined my day...again.

Oh no! You can hear it, and worst of all you can see it. The music starts..."In the arms of the angels...Hi. I'm Sarah McLachlan." Quick! Grab the remote. Noooo! You can't find it. It's okay. Just cover your ears, run out of the room, and wait for the appropriate amount of time for the saddest commercial ever made to be over. Okay. It should be safe. You slowly walk back into the living room. Dang! You catch the last glimpse of the shih-tzu with one eye, pleading with you to help. Your night is completely ruined.

We've all been there. Those ASPCA commercials pull at your heart strings and most of all just make you sad to be a human being. I know what you are thinking. You don't want to see the horrendous things that people can do to defenseless animals. I also think we don't want to feel guilty for seeing these images and not helping or giving money.

Well, I say we owe it to these beautiful creatures to watch their hardships. We need to face the facts that animal cruelty is constantly happening. Don't look away. How would you feel if your image or video came on the screen and people were knocking each other over, just to get out of the room or change the channel.

I know it's hard, but force yourself to watch it and if you feel so compelled, make a difference in these innocent animal's lives.

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