Saturday, February 18, 2012

Black Dog Syndrome

Unfortunately “Black Dog Syndrome” is an actual phenomena that happens all over and especially in shelters. There are many great black and predominantly black dogs out there. It is a shame that they will go unnoticed due to this unfavorable predicament. Black dogs are the least likely to be adopted, if at all. Here are some reasons:
1) Harmful Superstitions: Black dogs are in folklore
2) Negative Labels
3) Fear: To some, black dogs look aggressive
4) Just too ordinary: To some, black dogs do not stand out enough
5) Health Concerns: Black dogs overheat easier than light-colored dogs
We need to put an end to this unfair phenomenon. If you are thinking about adopting a dog, please don’t overlook black dogs because they are just as loving & wonderful as lighter colored dogs! Black is beautiful!

Check out


  1. It's just so unfair. Breaks my heart. Thank you for bringing attention to this problem.

  2. The same goes for black cats too! I'l have to write about that as well:)
